Principal's Message


It is with great honor, that I welcome you, as a part of educational family to our school’s website.

Today the role of a school is not only to pursue academic excellence but also to motivate and empower its students to long life learners, critical thinkers’ and productive members of an ever-changing global society.

RPS is symbol of progressive and quality education. The school has outstanding teaching staff and well laid out sports complex. It provides its students with an atmosphere for overall personality development where children are encouraged to channelize their potential in pursuit of excellence.

At RPS we provide a platform to the children to develop their hard as well as soft skills through curricular and extracurricular activities in a holistic manner. We also wish to infuse interest in English language among them by creating awareness and holding contests which actively prepare the young generation for future new age of competitions.

Due to sedentary life style students physical activities are substantially reducing. RPS provides the students with fairly well defined sports arena to make themselves physically fit and active. I am proud to mention that every year our students participate in various zonal, state and national level championships and bring laurels to the institution as well.

It is our constant endeavor to groom our students so that they can run azure on golden sands. I am happy to report that the management and the staff of the school have always won the public applause by acting in concert to chisel glittering careers of the students. I assure you that RPS will always remain the foremost temple of learning where there are equal opportunities to all so that they rise to their fullest potential.

So dear students, set your goals, have faith in God and go ahead.

Future is yours!

Nisha Chaudhry
